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An Old-Fashioned Beating Up Tour: we kicked their ass, STL 2001

Here's Sean practicing his bass lines Friday night.

Denis practicing his bass lines Saturday morning.

The first to show up at Lizzie's: Becky and Phil being greeted by Tara.

The Rusty Zippers are rocking out in Lizzie's backyard.

Stan and Sean jamming. 'Nuff said.

Jennafer and Denis share the smallest mic ever.

Denis breaking it down harcore, extra rusty.

Left: Stan with a really funny look on his face.
Right: Sean in 10 years: working in a laundromat and sporting a mullet.

When's the next show? Sean shrugs, "Whatever, dude."

The Rusty Zippers want to thank Lizzie for letting us use her really awesome house and...

...her enormous cat that was just like "Bam!"

We'd also like to thank Rose for making our t-shirts overly-elaborate and making me look like a bad artist...

...and here she is with her head in a bag.

RUSTY ZIPPERS KICKED STL'S ASS! Thanks to all of you who came out to see us!