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     Today, we have a special guest speaker: Simon Garfunkel. Please, make him and his socialist tendencies feel at home. Yeeha.
     What is a great American? To answer this, we must first define what a great person is. One who is great is humble, selfless, has great insight, and the determination to act and persevere. Then, a great American would be one who embodies these characteristics and relates to America. Prime examples of great Americans would be the citizen-soldiers in service of our country.
     A great America must be humble. They do not seek out glory or behave in a  pompous manner. No doubt that many Americans have achieved great things but greatness is not measured in achievements; it only means they were able. Great Americans live their lives not for themselves but for their nation.
     A great American must also have civic virtues, a sense of selflessness, and determination. Great Americans refuse to stand idly by while injustices are a daily occurrence. They must be prepared to sacrifice their lives for their nation; they should be willing to act for the greater good and overcome their personal qualms. All these traits are embodied in the patriot-soldier that is the American. However, a great American must also be a citizen.
     To be an effective citizen, a great American must be aware of his environment and look beyond his petty everyday struggles. He must be aware of the troubles that plague his nation and his country. Awareness of American fascism disguised by a facade of pseudo-democracy, the lack of equality, and the emergence of a totalitarian police state are paramount. A great American must fight these perverse ideals of self-serving capitalists and facilitate the downfall of our current wasteful consumerist society. A great American must break free of the endless cycle of obey, conform, consume impressed upon us by an absolute government that we were manipulated into delegating our voices to.
     Every age has its great Americans. In this age, our great Americans will be the citizen-soldiers who will fall in foreign lands to preserve our security; our great Americans will be the patriot-revolutionaries who are trying to keep America from asphyxiating on its own vomit and repatriate our freedom from the vise-like mechanical grip of the capitalist machine. Our great Americans will be those who embody these traits and who know when to act and who will make every sacrifice for the greater good.

"A man who hasn’t found something worth dying for isn’t fit to live."
--Martin Luther King, Jr.


     Americans. You call yourselves American but how many of you know what that means? You buy American flags and cry out "God bless America," but do you understand it? Do you believe it? Of, you do. You sit at home and watch TV, spewing garbage about American supremacy. You bunch of fascists. I’m disgusted with you. Never have your true colors shone so glaringly. You fascists. Your reactions to September 11 disturbs me.
     You’ve been attacked! But what do you do? You hesitate, you falter; you just proved America a sloth. It sickens me to know it took this to show you how vulnerable America is. But some of you still can’t see through your veil of fascism. You’ll keep saying, "We’ll bomb their asses back to the Stone Age," and keep with your fascism until a few thousand of our "brave" boys have died. Died in vain, they never wanted to fight. They just wanted a free education. Is that what our military is? A business? An academic institution? Is it for the profiteering capitalists? It shouldn’t be. Our military should be an army, an army of soldier wielding assault rifles, not a mob of doctors and civil engineers waving degrees. You’re disgusting. How many "soldiers" will die before your delusions break and you sue for peace? You sue for peace and you let those boys’ death be for nothing. You’re all such patriots,.
     You’re liars, you’re hypocrites. "God bless the greatest nation: America!" You’re false witnesses; God doesn’t take sides. Do you really believe God will help us in eradicating this great "evil" and kill our fellow man? Do you even believe in God? Or do you say it because it’s fashionable just like your "patriotism"? Where were your American flags a few months ago? You’re all such patriotic Americans. Show me the medals you’ve won for valor! Oh, that’s right, you were too cowardly to fight for your country! You were too lazy! "Oh, someone else will enlist and take my place as protector of this nation!" It’s really a shame that 99.7% of the populace think exactly that. It’s even worse that most of the .3% just want their education paid for. This is the new American way: pass your responsibilities to someone else. Oh, you’re going to repay those who devoted their lives to this nation? Yes, a day or two each year should suffice. No, you owe these people your lives! Where is your conscience? Where is your morality? Too busy taking the high ground. With your self-delusions of righteousness and supremacy, do you really think you’re the moral role model of the world? Look at what you watch on TV, sitcoms promoting promiscuity and casual sex.. Look at your prejudice, your facade of equality, your pseudo-democracy. You’re just fascist sheeple, never questioning, always conforming.
     "At least Americans have united." Have we? Of course. Except for those Arab-Americans since they’re Arabs and we all know that if you’re Arab, you must be a terrorist. We live in such harmony here in America. "Pass that joint, ni**a." "Those damn Orientals taking our jobs." "Those white folks are so prejudiced." Where will this "unity" go once this is all over? Nowhere, since it was never truly there.
     You’re destroying yourselves, and you don’t even know it. You’re fascists and prejudiced. You believe in American supremacy, social Darwinism, and manifest destiny. You live in a police state. You’re sheeple; you’ve perpetuated a facade that you’ve come to believe. You’re all of these abominable things, and you don’t even know it. America is stumbling under your mental garbage. She’ll fall on her face and, as she gags on her own defecation, you’ll look for a convenient scapegoat instead of cutting out the cancer within. After all, that is the American way.

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